As you may know, I am a sucker for a conversion story. And I am a sucker for the Duck Dynasty clan books. So I picked up the newest one by Jep and … [Read more...]
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places
If two men write bestselling memoirs about their spiritual lives and both are from rural Louisiana, both are committed Christians who freely discuss … [Read more...]
A Lesbian, an Alcoholic, and a Jew Walk into a Church
The lesbian, the alcoholic, and the Jew each has her own story to tell and none of them is a joke. The Lesbian Rosaria Butterfield was a radical … [Read more...]
What is More Miraculous Than an Adult Who Changes His Mind?
I really enjoy a good Christian conversion story. Is there anything as miraculous as an adult who changes his mind? As someone who has been a believer … [Read more...]